95 | AI Business growth lessons from Klarna and PWC, Google roles back AI Overviews, New voice capabilities in ChatGPT, and more news from the week ending on June 8th

Featuring: Isar Meitis

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Is Google's AI Undermining Trust and Efficiency?

In recent months, Google's ambitious AI ventures have faced significant hurdles, raising questions about the reliability and ethical implications of AI in business. From bizarre search suggestions to accusations of plagiarism, Google's AI initiatives have stumbled, creating ripples across industries dependent on search engine integrity.

In this episode of Leveraging AI , join Isar Meitis as he unpacks the latest AI blunders by Google and what they mean for business leaders. We'll also explore the broader impacts of AI adoption, drawing insights from recent McKinsey and Reuters reports, and discuss how companies can strategically leverage AI to their advantage while avoiding common pitfalls.

As AI continues to evolve, businesses must stay informed and adaptable. Learn from Google's mistakes and discover strategies to implement AI effectively, enhancing your operations without compromising trust or quality.

In this episode, you'll discover:

  • The latest controversies surrounding Google's AI tools.
  • How Google's AI missteps could impact your business operations.
  • Insights from McKinsey's and Reuters' reports on global AI adoption and workforce impacts.
  • Real-world examples of companies successfully leveraging AI, including Klarna and PwC.
  • Strategic approaches to integrating AI in your business to maximize efficiency and growth.

About Leveraging AI

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